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How to Animate
Arts and Entertainment: Animation•Published: December 28, 2012
It is rewarding to create a simple animation for your digital portfolio because it shows off your creativity. An animation will make your portfolio stand out among other creative professionals. The process is fairly easy; you only need to have basic Adobe software skills and a little patience. If you are more ambitious or have more advanced skills, then by all means use Autodesk Maya or Anime Pro.
Basic Things to Consider When Creating a Website
Self Improvement: Creativity•Published: December 11, 2012
If a picture is worth a thousand words, what does a digital portfolio say? You may have guessed: it says everything. A portfolio stands as a digital example of your professional skills and unique talents, giving clients and employers a glimpse into your personality. Your digital portfolio is your passport into the creative world. Consider how many art galleries request a link to your portfolio along with your submission. Your digital portfolio represents you as a creative professional and is vital to your success.
How to Navigate a Creative Career
Self Improvement: Achievement•Published: December 7, 2012
A creative career can be a challenge to navigate. However, with proper planning, success is achievable. It is vital to avoid thinking small. An open mind, an active imagination, and creative thinking are all necessary for a fulfilling, creative career journey. It is important to understand oneself completely before determining a career path. A creative professional should set aside time to assess her or his learning style and communication style. It is vital to explore and learn about a number of careers and professional industries, because this process broadens the scope of career possibilities.
Always Keep Your Eyes Open - How to Find Inspiration
Self Improvement: Creativity•Published: October 23, 2012
Inspiration is everywhere if you just look around. The key to unlocking your imagination and discovering new and exciting sights is being hyper-aware of your surroundings and being prepared to capture the moment. This is easy to do as long as you employ the right strategy and have the proper tools. Inspiration leads to new ideas and product innovation.
Networking for the Creative Professional Part 1
Business: Networking•Published: October 15, 2012
Networking is the topic of many professional discussions and business courses because it is vital to success. Networking should be a part of the art curriculum. Art college teaches many necessary skills to strengthen our natural creative ability. We take courses that broaden our social and cultural perspectives and gain knowledge of the masters that came before us. Going to college to earn an art degree is greatly beneficial; however, many artists struggle to find relevant careers that pay enough to support their ideal lifestyles. In this article, I provide the information needed to grow and maintain a network that is beneficial for all parties involved.
Networking for Creative Professionals Part 2
Business: Networking•Published: October 11, 2012
As the Boy Scouts say, "Be prepared." Remember to plan each time before you attend a networking event. If possible, acquire a guest list of attendees. Decide in advance whom you want meet and create a strategy that leads to you meeting the people you identified. Do a bit of research on the event and be knowledgeable about your industry's trends and updates. Have business cards to hand out. Your self-image is important; therefore, dress appropriately.
ROI - A Guide for Artists and Creative Professionals
Arts and Entertainment•Published: October 8, 2012
Starving artists, starve no more! You read correctly: It is no longer necessary for artists to starve, because with the proper plan and investment in place, you will be well on your way to a lucrative career and notoriety. You deserve it, don't you? Well, I think you do. Artists are among the greatest innovative thinkers in history (think Michelangelo Buonarroti, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Albrecht Durer), and today's artists continue to be among the great innovative thinkers (think Stan Lee, Tim Burton, and Franz Fischnaller).
Think Outside the Word
Self Improvement: Achievement•Published: September 25, 2012
What does it mean to "think outside the word"? It means everything creative and anything imaginable. I find that people who choose to live the philosophy of "think outside the word" are usually happier and more successful. To follow this philosophy means to seek out an understanding of how our brains function. In gaining a greater understanding of the complexity of the human brain, we discover endless opportunities to succeed and problem-solve. I always encourage everyone to read books and attend classes focusing on the conscious and subconscious. It has been my experience that those who choose to strategically feed information into their minds have a distinct advantage over those who do not.
Rise Above the Sea of Names (Social Media for Creative Professionals)
Business: Networking•Published: September 20, 2012
Now more than in the past, we have many ways to communicate and make vital connections. Social media such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter provide access to people who were once nearly impossible to reach. However, the aforementioned resources on hand must be navigated strategically. Often, Twitters and the constant flow of information into our smart devices, tablets, and computers can feel like information overload. We should use social media wisely.
Self-Marketing For an Artist/Creative Professionals
Arts and Entertainment•Published: September 14, 2012
For many artists, college graduation can be a bit of a false start because you may have a degree, which suggests the credentials of a professional, but landing a well-paying art career seems close to impossible. However, there is hope for the "starving artist." If you are willing to work hard and stay positive, self-marketing can be the difference between barely surviving and successful striving. For all of you creative professionals who desire to live up to your potential, you must develop self-marketing skills.
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